您好, 欢迎您来到杭州顺理商标代理有限公司!
商品号 | 商品/服务名称 | 商品/服务名称(英文) | 备注 |
C050001 | 针剂 | ||
C050002 | 片剂 | ||
C050003 | 酊剂 | ||
C050004 | 水剂 | ||
C050005 | 膏剂 | ||
C050006 | 油剂 | ||
C050007 | 止痒水 | ||
C050008 | 去灰指甲油 | ||
C050009 | 放射性药品 | ||
C050010 | 赖氨酸冲剂 | 与0502药制糖果,医用胶,医用糖果,医用营养食物,医用食物营养制剂,医用营养饮料,医用营养品,医用营养添加剂类似; 与3005商品类似; | |
C050011 | 赖氨酸盐酸盐 | 与0502药制糖果,医用胶,医用糖果,医用营养食物,医用食物营养制剂,医用营养饮料,医用营养品,医用营养添加剂类似; 与3005商品类似; | |
C050012 | 口服补盐液 | ||
C050013 | 珍珠层粉 | 与0502药制糖果,医用胶,医用糖果,医用营养食物,医用食物营养制剂,医用营养饮料,医用营养品,医用营养添加剂类似; 与3005商品类似; | |
C050014 | 原料药 | ||
C050015 | 中药成药 | ||
C050020 | 艾卷 | ||
C050021 | 贴剂 | ||
C050022 | 生化药品 | ||
C050023 | 血液制品 | ||
C050024 | 胶丸 | ||
C050025 | 药酒 | ||
C050026 | 洋参冲剂 | 与0502药制糖果,医用胶,医用糖果,医用营养食物,医用食物营养制剂,医用营养饮料,医用营养品,医用营养添加剂类似; 与3005商品类似; | |
C050027 | 蜂王精 | 与0502药制糖果,医用胶,医用糖果,医用营养食物,医用食物营养制剂,医用营养饮料,医用营养品,医用营养添加剂类似; 与3005商品类似; | |
C050043 | 风湿油 | ||
C050044 | 伤风油 | ||
C050045 | 清凉油 | ||
C050046 | 人参 | 与0502药制糖果,医用胶,医用糖果,医用营养食物,医用食物营养制剂,医用营养饮料,医用营养品,医用营养添加剂类似; 与3005商品类似; | |
C050047 | 枸杞 | 与0502药制糖果,医用胶,医用糖果,医用营养食物,医用食物营养制剂,医用营养饮料,医用营养品,医用营养添加剂类似; 与3005商品类似; | |
C050050 | 减肥茶 | 与第九版及以前版本3002茶叶代用品交叉检索 | |
050002 | 乌头碱 | aconitine | |
050008 | 医用酒精 | medicinal alcohol | |
050009 | 药用乙醛 | aldehydes for pharmaceutical purposes | |
050013 | 饮食疗法用或药用淀粉 | starch for dietetic or pharmaceutical purposes | |
050017 | 麻醉剂 | anaesthetics | |
050018 | 药用莳萝油 | dill oil for medical purposes | |
050020 | 医用安果斯都拉树皮 | angostura bark for medical purposes | |
050022 | 气喘茶 | asthmatic tea | |
050023 | 冻伤药膏 | frostbite salve for pharmaceutical purposes | |
050025 | 治痔剂 | haemorrhoid preparations / hemorrhoid preparations | |
050029 | 防寄生虫制剂 | antiparasitic preparations | 与0504商品类似 |
050030 | 抗菌剂 | antiseptics | |
050032 | 防尿制剂 | anti-uric preparations | |
050033 | 治疣药笔 | wart pencils | |
050036 | 培养细菌用肉汤 | bouillons for bacteriological cultures / media for bacteriological cultures / bacteriological culture mediums | |
050036 | 培养细菌用介质 | bouillons for bacteriological cultures / media for bacteriological cultures / bacteriological culture mediums | |
050036 | 细菌培养基 | bouillons for bacteriological cultures / media for bacteriological cultures / bacteriological culture mediums | |
050037 | 医用及兽医用细菌学研究制剂 | bacteriological preparations for medical and veterinary use | 与0504商品类似 |
050038 | 细菌抑制剂 | bacterial poisons | |
050039 | 医用和兽医用细菌制剂 | bacterial preparations for medical and veterinary use | 与0504商品类似 |
050041 | 医用洗浴制剂 | bath preparations, medicated | 与0301第一、二段,0306洗澡用化妆品类似 |
050042 | 矿泉水沐浴盐 | salts for mineral water baths | 与0301非医用沐浴盐,浴盐类似; |
050043 | 浴用氧气 | oxygen baths | |
050044 | 药浴用海水 | sea water for medicinal bathing | 与0301第一、二段,0306洗澡用化妆品类似 |
050045 | 浴用治疗剂 | therapeutic preparations for the bath | |
050046 | 医用止痛制剂 | balsamic preparations for medical purposes | |
050050 | 医用香膏 | balms for medical purposes | |
050053 | 药用铋制剂 | bismuth preparations for pharmaceutical purposes | |
050054 | 铅水 | lead water / Goulard water | |
050054 | 古拉尔氏水(稀次醋酸铅溶液) | lead water / Goulard water | |
050056 | 药用木炭 | charcoal for pharmaceutical purposes | |
050058 | 医用泥浆 | medicinal mud / medicinal sediment [mud] | |
050058 | 医用沉淀泥 | medicinal mud / medicinal sediment [mud] | |
050059 | 浴用泥浆 | mud for baths | 与0301第一、二段,0306洗澡用化妆品类似 |
050061 | 治疗烧伤制剂 | preparations for the treatment of burns | |
050062 | 除口臭药片 | cachou for pharmaceutical purposes | 与0502医用口香糖类似。 |
050063 | 胼胝治疗剂 | preparations for callouses | |
050065 | 斑蝥粉 | powder of cantharides | |
050067 | 药用糖浆 | syrups for pharmaceutical purposes | |
050068 | 药用胶囊 | capsules for medicines | |
050069 | 医药制剂 | pharmaceutical preparations | |
050070 | 泥敷剂 | poultices | |
050077 | 化学药物制剂 | chemico-pharmaceutical preparations | |
050079 | 药用水合氯醛 | hydrated chloral for pharmaceutical purposes | |
050080 | 氯仿(医用) | chloroform | |
050081 | 医用无烟草香烟 | tobacco-free cigarettes for medical purposes | |
050085 | 熏蒸香锭 | fumigating sticks / fumigating pastilles | |
050086 | 可卡因 | cocaine | |
050088 | 眼药水 | collyrium | |
050091 | 心电图电极用化学导体 | chemical conductors for electrocardiograph electrodes | |
050092 | 医用南美牛奶菜的干皮 | condurango bark for medical purposes | |
050093 | 缓和便秘的药物 | medicines for alleviating constipation | |
050094 | 隐形眼镜用溶液 | solutions for contact lenses / solutions for use with contact lenses | |
050095 | 化学避孕剂 | chemical contraceptives | |
050098 | 除鸡眼药物 | corn remedies | |
050100 | 治晒伤用药剂 | sunburn preparations for pharmaceutical purposes | |
050103 | 冻疮制剂 | chilblain preparations | |
050105 | 巴豆茎皮 | croton bark | |
050106 | 马钱子 | curare | |
050107 | 疫苗 | vaccines | |
050108 | 医用去污剂 | detergents for medical purposes | |
050109 | 煎好的药 | decoctions for pharmaceutical purposes | |
050118 | 卫生消毒剂 | disinfectants for hygiene purposes | 与0503化学盥洗室用消毒剂,0505土壤消毒制剂,灭微生物剂,灭干朽真菌制剂,农业用杀菌剂类似,与第八版及以前版本0503污物消毒剂,污物消毒制剂交叉检索;与第九版及以前版本0505土壤消毒剂交叉检索。 |
050122 | 药用助消化剂 | digestives for pharmaceutical purposes | |
050123 | 洋地黄苷 | digitalin | |
050124 | 止痛药 | analgesics | |
050125 | 医用药物 | drugs for medical purposes | |
050126 | 轻便药箱(已装药的) | medicine cases, portable, filled | 与1001外科医生和医生用器械箱,医疗器械箱,医疗器械箱,外科医生和医生用箱类似; |
050127 | 药用氧化镁 | magnesia for pharmaceutical purposes | |
050128 | 药用蜂花水 | melissa water for pharmaceutical purposes | |
050129 | 医用矿泉水 | mineral waters for medical purposes | |
050130 | 矿泉水盐 | mineral water salts | |
050131 | 温泉水 | thermal water | |
050132 | 药用树皮 | barks for pharmaceutical purposes | |
050133 | 酏剂(药物制剂) | elixirs [pharmaceutical preparations] | |
050134 | 清除橡皮膏溶剂 | solvents for removing adhesive plasters | |
050137 | 医用盐 | salts for medical purposes | |
050138 | 药用酯 | esters for pharmaceutical purposes | |
050139 | 药用乙醚 | ethers for pharmaceutical purposes | |
050141 | 药用桉树脑 | eucalyptol for pharmaceutical purposes | |
050142 | 药用桉树 | eucalyptus for pharmaceutical purposes | |
050143 | 泻药 | purgatives / evacuants | |
050144 | 药用面粉 | flour for pharmaceutical purposes / meal for pharmaceutical purposes | |
050144 | 药用谷粉 | flour for pharmaceutical purposes / meal for pharmaceutical purposes | |
050146 | 解热剂 | febrifuges | |
050147 | 医用茴香 | fennel for medical purposes | |
050148 | 浸制药液 | medicinal infusions | |
050149 | 药茶 | medicinal tea | 与第九版及以前版本3002茶叶代用品类似; |
050150 | 鱼肝油 | cod liver oil | 与0502第一段药制糖果,医用树胶,医用糖果,及第二段商品近似;与第九版及以前版本0502医用胶,医用食物营养制剂,医用营养添加剂类似; 与3005商品类似; |
050151 | 杀真菌剂 | fungicides | 与0503化学盥洗室用消毒剂,0505土壤消毒制剂,灭微生物剂,灭干朽真菌制剂,农业用杀菌剂类似,与第八版及以前版本0503污物消毒剂,污物消毒制剂交叉检索;与第九版及以前版本0505土壤消毒剂交叉检索。 |
050152 | 神经镇定剂 | nervines | |
050153 | 药用邻甲氧基苯酚 | guaiacol for pharmaceutical purposes | |
050154 | 驱肠虫药 | vermifuges / anthelmintics | 与0504商品类似 |
050156 | 轻泻剂 | laxatives | |
050157 | 医用明胶 | gelatine for medical purposes | |
050158 | 药用龙胆 | gentian for pharmaceutical purposes | |
050159 | 杀菌剂 | germicides | 与0503化学盥洗室用消毒剂,0505土壤消毒制剂,灭微生物剂,灭干朽真菌制剂,农业用杀菌剂类似,与第八版及以前版本0503污物消毒剂,污物消毒制剂交叉检索;与第九版及以前版本0505土壤消毒剂交叉检索。 |
050160 | 甘油磷酸盐 | glycerophosphates | |
050162 | 药用亚麻籽 | linseed for pharmaceutical purposes / flaxseed for pharmaceutical purposes | |
050163 | 医用油脂 | greases for medical purposes | |
050165 | 乳脂 | milking grease | |
050166 | 怀孕诊断用化学制剂 | chemical preparations for the diagnosis of pregnancy | |
050167 | 药油 | medicinal oils | |
050168 | 血红蛋白元 | haematogen / hematogen | |
050169 | 血红蛋白 | haemoglobin / hemoglobin | |
050170 | 药草 | medicinal herbs | |
050171 | 医用激素 | hormones for medical purposes | |
050172 | 医用芥子油 | mustard oil for medical purposes | |
050174 | 白毛茛碱 | hydrastine | |
050175 | 白毛茛分碱 | hydrastinine | |
050177 | 人工授精用精液 | semen for artificial insemination | |
050179 | 碘酒 | tincture of iodine | |
050180 | 药用蛋白胨 | peptones for pharmaceutical purposes | |
050181 | 三碘甲烷 | iodoform | |
050182 | 医用角叉菜 | Irish moss for medical purposes | |
050183 | 球根牵牛制泻药 | jalap | |
050184 | 药浸枣 | jujube, medicated | |
050185 | 药用甘草 | liquorice for pharmaceutical purposes | |
050187 | 药用牛奶发酵剂 | milk ferments for pharmaceutical purposes | |
050190 | 药用亚麻籽粉 | linseed meal for pharmaceutical purposes / flaxseed meal for pharmaceutical purposes | |
050191 | 药用洗液 | lotions for pharmaceutical purposes | |
050194 | 药用酵母 | yeast for pharmaceutical purposes | |
050196 | 搽剂 | liniments | |
050197 | 药用蛇麻腺 | lupulin for pharmaceutical purposes | |
050199 | 药用红树皮 | mangrove bark for pharmaceutical purposes | |
050201 | 药用薄荷 | mint for pharmaceutical purposes | |
050203 | 药用麦芽 | malt for pharmaceutical purposes | |
050205 | 硫黄棒(消毒用) | sulphur sticks [disinfectants] | |
050207 | 医用润发脂 | pomades for medical purposes | |
050208 | 医用酊剂 | tinctures for medical purposes | |
050209 | 血清 | serums | |
050210 | 薄荷醇 | menthol | |
050211 | 汞软膏 | mercurial ointments | |
050212 | 微生物用营养物质 | nutritive substances for microorganisms | |
050213 | 医用或兽医用微生物培养物 | cultures of microorganisms for medical and veterinary use / preparations of microorganisms for medical and veterinary use | 与0504商品类似 |
050454 | 医用或兽医用微生物制剂 | cultures of microorganisms for medical and veterinary use / preparations of microorganisms for medical and veterinary use | 与0504商品类似 |
050214 | 药用锭剂 | pastilles for pharmaceutical purposes / lozenges for pharmaceutical purposes | |
050219 | 药用芥末 | mustard for pharmaceutical purposes | |
050221 | 药用樱桃李树皮 | myrobalan bark for pharmaceutical purposes | |
050223 | 麻醉药 | narcotics | |
050224 | 嗅盐 | smelling salts | |
050225 | 医用药膏 | ointments for pharmaceutical purposes | |
050226 | 鸦片制剂 | opiates | |
050227 | 鸦片 | opium | |
050228 | 肥皂樟脑搽剂 | opodeldoc | |
050229 | 器官疗法制剂 | opotherapy preparations / organotherapy preparations | |
050231 | 药用果胶 | pectin for pharmaceutical purposes | |
050236 | 药用苯酚 | phenol for pharmaceutical purposes | |
050237 | 芥子膏药纸 | paper for mustard plasters / paper for mustard poultices | |
050237 | 芥子敷剂纸 | paper for mustard plasters / paper for mustard poultices | |
C050051 | 杀寄生虫药 | 与0505杀寄生虫剂类似; | |
050239 | 护肤药剂 | pharmaceutical preparations for skin care | |
050240 | 药用草药茶 | herbal teas for medicinal purposes | 与第九版及以前版本3002茶叶代用品类似; |
050241 | 治头皮屑药剂 | pharmaceutical preparations for treating dandruff | |
050242 | 药用胃蛋白酶 | pepsins for pharmaceutical purposes | |
050243 | 药用扁胶囊 | cachets for pharmaceutical purposes | |
050244 | 急救箱(备好药的) | first-aid boxes, filled | 与1001外科医生和医生用器械箱,医疗器械箱,医疗器械箱,外科医生和医生用箱类似; |
050245 | 药用磷酸盐 | phosphates for pharmaceutical purposes | |
050247 | 汗足药 | remedies for foot perspiration | |
050248 | 血浆 | blood plasma | |
050249 | 毒药 | poisons | |
050251 | 医用钾盐 | potassium salts for medical purposes | |
050253 | 医用破斧木 | quebracho for medical purposes | |
050254 | 医用苦木药 | quassia for medical purposes | |
050255 | 医用金鸡纳树皮 | quinquina for medical purposes / cinchona for medical purposes | |
050256 | 医用奎宁 | quinine for medical purposes | |
050257 | 医用喹啉 | chinoline for medical purposes | |
050258 | 医用放射性物质 | radioactive substances for medical purposes | |
050259 | 医用镭 | radium for medical purposes | |
050260 | 药用植物根 | medicinal roots | |
050261 | 药用大黄根 | rhubarb roots for pharmaceutical purposes | |
050262 | 补药 | tonics [medicines] | 与0502第一段药制糖果,医用树胶,医用糖果,及第二段商品近似;与第九版及以前版本0502医用胶,医用食物营养制剂,医用营养添加剂类似; 与3005商品类似; |
050263 | 药用次硝酸铋 | bismuth subnitrate for pharmaceutical purposes | |
050264 | 医用菝葜 | sarsaparilla for medical purposes | |
050265 | 医用血 | blood for medical purposes | |
050266 | 医用水蛭 | leeches for medical purposes | |
050268 | 镇静药 | sedatives / tranquillizers | |
050268 | 镇静剂 | sedatives / tranquillizers | |
050269 | 药用麦角 | ergot for pharmaceutical purposes | |
050270 | 血清疗法药剂 | serotherapeutic medicines | |
050271 | 芥子膏药 | mustard plasters / mustard poultices | |
050271 | 芥子泥敷剂 | mustard plasters / mustard poultices | |
050273 | 安眠药 | soporifics | |
050274 | 医用钠盐 | sodium salts for medical purposes | |
050275 | 灭菌剂 | sterilising preparations | |
050276 | 马钱子碱 | strychnine | |
050277 | 止血剂 | styptic preparations | |
050278 | 医用糖 | sugar for medical purposes | |
050279 | 磺胺(药) | sulphonamides [medicines] | |
050280 | 栓剂 | suppositories | |
050281 | 药用酒石 | tartar for pharmaceutical purposes | |
050282 | 药用松脂 | turpentine for pharmaceutical purposes | |
050283 | 医药用松节油 | oil of turpentine for pharmaceutical purposes | |
050284 | 药用麝香草酚 | thymol for pharmaceutical purposes | |
050285 | 祛汗药 | remedies for perspiration | |
050290 | 发疱剂 | vesicants | |
050291 | 药用醋酸盐 | acetates for pharmaceutical purposes | |
050292 | 药用酸 | acids for pharmaceutical purposes | |
050296 | 医用生物碱 | alkaloids for medical purposes | |
050299 | 药用醋酸铝 | aluminium acetate for pharmaceutical purposes | |
050301 | 治晒伤软膏 | sunburn ointments | |
050302 | 医用沐浴盐 | bath salts for medical purposes | |
050303 | 药用甘草茎 | stick liquorice for pharmaceutical purposes | |
050304 | 药用小苏打 | bicarbonate of soda for pharmaceutical purposes | |
050305 | 医用生物制剂 | biological preparations for medical purposes | |
050306 | 药用溴 | bromine for pharmaceutical purposes | |
050308 | 医用樟脑油 | camphor oil for medical purposes | |
050309 | 医用樟脑 | camphor for medical purposes | |
050313 | 医用卵磷脂 | lecithin for medical purposes | 与0502第一段药制糖果,医用树胶,医用糖果,及第二段商品近似;与第九版及以前版本0502医用胶,医用食物营养制剂,医用营养添加剂类似; 与3005商品类似; |
050314 | 医用气体 | gases for medical purposes | |
050316 | 药用蜂王浆 | royal jelly for pharmaceutical purposes | 与0502第一段药制糖果,医用树胶,医用糖果,及第二段商品近似;与第九版及以前版本0502医用胶,医用食物营养制剂,医用营养添加剂类似; 与3005商品类似; |
050317 | 减肥用药剂 | medical preparations for slimming purposes | |
050318 | 药用纤维素酯 | cellulose esters for pharmaceutical purposes | |
050319 | 药用苛性碱 | caustics for pharmaceutical purposes | |
050320 | 药用纤维素醚 | cellulose ethers for pharmaceutical purposes | |
050321 | 饮食疗法用或医用谷类加工副产品 | by-products of the processing of cereals for dietetic or medical purposes | |
050323 | 药用化学制剂 | chemical preparations for pharmaceutical purposes | |
050325 | 药用酒石酸氢钾 | cream of tartar for pharmaceutical purposes | |
050326 | 药用杂酚油 | creosote for pharmaceutical purposes | |
050327 | 牙科用药 | medicines for dental purposes | 与第六版及以前版本0507牙科用药交叉检索; |
050328 | 人用药 | medicines for human purposes | 与0502第一段药制糖果,医用树胶,医用糖果,及第二段商品近似;与第九版及以前版本0502医用胶,医用食物营养制剂,医用营养添加剂类似; |
050330 | 医用诊断制剂 | diagnostic preparations for medical purposes | |
050331 | 医用甘油 | glycerine for medical purposes | |
050332 | 药物饮料 | medicinal drinks | 与0502第一段药制糖果,医用树胶,医用糖果,及第二段商品近似;与第九版及以前版本0502医用胶,医用食物营养制剂,医用营养添加剂类似; 与3005商品类似; |
050333 | 药用酵素 | ferments for pharmaceutical purposes | |
050334 | 药用硫华 | flowers of sulphur for pharmaceutical purposes | |
050335 | 药用甲醛 | formic aldehyde for pharmaceutical purposes | |
050336 | 医用发烟药草 | smoking herbs for medical purposes | |
050337 | 医用熏蒸制剂 | fumigation preparations for medical purposes | |
050338 | 药用棓酸 | gallic acid for pharmaceutical purposes | |
050339 | 医用矿脂 | petroleum jelly for medical purposes | |
050340 | 医用葡萄糖 | glucose for medical purposes | |
050341 | 医用藤黄 | gamboge for medical purposes | |
050342 | 医用羯布罗香膏 | gurjun [gurjon, gurjan] balsam for medical purposes | |
050343 | 药用蛇麻子浸膏 | extracts of hops for pharmaceutical purposes | |
050344 | 医用蓖麻油 | castor oil for medical purposes | |
050345 | 医用过氧化氢 | hydrogen peroxide for medical purposes | |
050346 | 药用碘 | iodine for pharmaceutical purposes | |
050347 | 药用碘化物 | iodides for pharmaceutical purposes | |
050348 | 药用碱性碘化物 | alkaline iodides for pharmaceutical purposes | |
050349 | 医用同位素 | isotopes for medical purposes | |
050362 | 医用化学制剂 | chemical preparations for medical purposes | |
050364 | 医用或兽医用化学试剂 | chemical reagents for medical or veterinary purposes | 与0504商品类似 |
050365 | 隐形眼镜清洁剂 | contact lens cleaning preparations | |
050366 | 医用淀粉酶 | diastase for medical purposes | |
050367 | 膳食纤维 | dietary fibre / dietary fiber | 与0502第一段药制糖果,医用树胶,医用糖果,及第二段商品近似;与第九版及以前版本0502医用胶,医用食物营养制剂,医用营养添加剂类似; 与3005商品类似; |
050368 | 医用酶 | enzymes for medical purposes | |
050370 | 医用酶制剂 | enzyme preparations for medical purposes | |
050373 | 医用催干剂 | siccatives [drying agents] for medical purposes | |
050375 | 人和动物用微量元素制剂 | preparations of trace elements for human and animal use | 与0504商品类似 |
050376 | 医用氨基酸 | amino acids for medical purposes | |
050381 | 药用鱼粉 | fish meal for pharmaceutical purposes | |
050383 | 医用漱口剂 | mouthwashes for medical purposes | |
050385 | 外科和矫形用骨结合剂 | bone cement for surgical and orthopaedic purposes | |
050388 | 抗生素 | antibiotics | |
050389 | 医用食欲抑制剂 | appetite suppressants for medical purposes | |
050390 | 支气管扩张制剂 | bronchodilating preparations | |
050394 | 医用头发增长剂 | medicinal hair growth preparations | |
050395 | 类固醇 | steroids | |
050396 | 医用佐药 | adjuvants for medical purposes | |
050397 | 活体外科移植物 | surgical implants [living tissues] | |
050399 | 医用氧 | oxygen for medical purposes | |
050402 | 医用下体注洗液 | douching preparations for medical purposes | 与0301个人清洁或祛味用下体注洗液类似 |
050403 | 医用干细胞 | stem cells for medical purposes | |
050405 | 医用生物组织培养物 | biological tissue cultures for medical purposes | |
050407 | 医用冷却喷雾 | cooling sprays for medical purposes | |
050408 | 个人用性交润滑剂 | personal sexual lubricants | |
050409 | 药用芦荟制剂 | aloe vera preparations for pharmaceutical purposes | |
050410 | 医用珍珠粉 | pearl powder for medical purposes | 与0502第一段药制糖果,医用树胶,医用糖果,及第二段商品近似;与第九版及以前版本0502医用胶,医用食物营养制剂,医用营养添加剂类似; 与3005商品类似; |
050411 | 性欲抑制剂 | preparations for reducing sexual activity | |
050415 | 食欲抑制剂 | appetite suppressant pills | |
050416 | 减肥药 | slimming pills | |
050417 | 晒黑用药 | tanning pills | |
050418 | 抗氧化药 | antioxidant pills | |
050426 | 药用蜂胶 | propolis for pharmaceutical purposes | 与0502第一段药制糖果,医用树胶,医用糖果,及第二段商品近似;与第九版及以前版本0502医用胶,医用食物营养制剂,医用营养添加剂类似; 与3005商品类似; |
050433 | 药用藻酸盐 | alginates for pharmaceutical purposes | |
050438 | 药用酒精 | alcohol for pharmaceutical purposes | |
050441 | 消毒剂 | 与0503化学盥洗室用消毒剂,0505土壤消毒制剂,灭微生物剂,灭干朽真菌制剂,农业用杀菌剂类似,与第八版及以前版本0503污物消毒剂,污物消毒制剂交叉检索;与第九版及以前版本0505土壤消毒剂交叉检索。 | |
050443 | 医用生物标志物诊断试剂 | ||
050444 | 痤疮治疗制剂 | ||
050450 | 移植物(活体组织) | ||
050451 | 医用胶原蛋白 | ||
050452 | 药用植物提取物 | ||
050096 | 医用放射性造影物质 | radiological contrast substances for medical purposes | |
050480 | 药皂 | ||
050455 | 医用草本疗法制剂 | ||
050456 | 医用草本提取物 | ||
050458 | 免疫刺激剂 | ||
050459 | 治疗用或医用营养制剂 | ||
050462 | 医用载药注射器 | ||
050465 | 医用收敛剂 | ||
050467 | 治疗虱子用制剂(灭虱药) | ||
050468 | 灭虱洗发剂 | ||
050471 | 抗菌皂 | ||
050472 | 抗菌洗手液 | ||
050473 | 含药物的剃须后用液 | ||
050474 | 含药物的洗发液 | ||
050476 | 含药物的润发乳 | ||
050477 | 含药物的干洗式洗发剂 | ||
050479 | 消毒皂 | ||
050457 | 性刺激用凝胶 | ||
050466 | 含药物的牙膏 | ||
050475 | 含药物的梳洗用制剂 | ||
C050052 | 中药材 | ||
050064 | 甘汞(杀真菌剂) | ||
050074 | 石灰制药剂 | ||
050090 | 维生素制剂 | ||
050393 | 医用阴道清洗液 | ||
050414 | 含药物的洗眼剂 | ||
050437 | 医用试纸 | ||
050481 | 含药物的按摩蜡烛 | ||
050483 | 维生素补充片 | ||
050485 | 辅助戒烟用尼古丁咀嚼胶 | ||
050486 | 辅助戒烟用尼古丁贴片 |