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商品号 商品/服务名称 商品/服务名称(英文) 备注
260011 鸵鸟羽毛(服装附属品) ostrich feathers [clothing accessories] 与2601商品类似
260015 发卡 hair grips [slides] / slides [hair grips]
260024 臂章 brassards / arm bands [clothing accessories]
260024 臂带(服装配件) brassards / arm bands [clothing accessories]
260027 胸针(服装配件) brooches [clothing accessories]
260037 绳绒线织物(花边) chenille [passementerie] 与2601商品类似
260038 头发装饰品 hair ornaments
260039 卷发夹 hair curling pins
260040 发夹 barrettes [hair-slides]
260041 发针 hair pins
260042 发网 hair nets
260064 衣服装饰品 trimmings for clothing 与2601商品类似
260071 云母亮片(服饰用) mica spangles 与2601商品类似
260074 鸟羽毛(服装配件) birds' feathers [clothing accessories] 与2601商品类似
260077 衣服装饰用亮片 spangles for clothing 与2601商品类似
260082 羽毛(服装饰件) feathers [clothing accessories] 与2601商品类似
260083 头饰(小绒球) top-knots [pompoms] 与2601商品类似
260085 玫瑰花饰(缝纫用品) rosettes [haberdashery] 与2601商品类似
260090 长别针 bodkins
260100 别针(非首饰) pins, other than jewellery [jewelry (Am.)]
260101 非贵重金属制佩戴徽章 badges for wear, not of precious metal
260113 装饰徽章(扣) ornamental novelty badges [buttons]
260114 发用蝴蝶结 bows for the hair
260115 染发用帽 hair colouring caps / hair coloring caps
260117 绶带 prize ribbons
260121 卷发纸 hair curling papers
260123 非制首饰用珠子 beads other than for making jewelry
260127 电和非电的发卷(非手工具) hair curlers, other than hand implements 与0806烫发钳,烫发用铁夹,卷发用手工具类似,与第九版及以前版本0806卷发用手工具(非电),0924电热卷发器交叉检索。
260128 补花(缝纫用品) appliqués [haberdashery]
260133 小饰物(非首饰、非钥匙圈、非钥匙链用)
260016 帽用饰物
260035 鞋用饰物
260140 头发饰带