您好, 欢迎您来到杭州顺理商标代理有限公司!
商品号 | 商品/服务名称 | 商品/服务名称(英文) | 备注 |
C250001 | 风衣 | ||
C250002 | 羽绒服装 | ||
C250003 | 旗袍 | ||
C250004 | 妇女腹带 | ||
C250005 | 童装 | 与2502商品类似。 | |
C250006 | 磁疗衣 | ||
C250007 | 胸罩衬垫(胸衬、胸垫) | ||
C250030 | 红外线衣 | ||
C250031 | 药物用衣 | ||
C250032 | 摄影背心 | ||
250010 | 工装裤 | overalls / smocks | |
250010 | 工作服 | overalls / smocks | |
250017 | 护衣汗垫 | dress shields | |
250020 | 衣领(衣服) | collars [clothing] / shoulder wraps | |
250022 | 女用背心 | camisoles | |
250023 | 平脚短裤 | pants / drawers [clothing] | |
250025 | 紧身围腰(女内衣) | bodices [lingerie] | |
250026 | 内衣 | underwear / underclothing / body linen [garments] | |
250033 | 睡袍 | dressing gowns | |
250034 | 毛衣 | sweaters | |
250034 | 套头衫 | sweaters | |
250042 | 衬衫 | shirts | |
250043 | 衬衫前胸 | shirt fronts | |
250044 | 短袖衬衫 | short-sleeve shirts | |
250045 | 服装 | clothing* | 跨类似群保护商品:2501,2502,2503,2504,2505) |
250049 | 裘皮服装 | furs [clothing] | |
250050 | 可拆的衣领 | detachable collars | |
250051 | 紧身衣裤 | tights | |
250053 | 连裤内衣 | combinations [clothing] | |
250054 | 吸汗内衣 | sweat-absorbent underclothing [underwear] / anti-sweat underclothing / anti-sweat underwear | |
250055 | 胸衣 | corselets | |
250056 | 套服 | suits | |
250057 | 成品衣 | ready-made clothing | |
250063 | 马裤(穿着) | breeches for wear | |
250064 | 裤子 | trousers | |
250066 | 外套 | outerclothing | |
250068 | 成品衬里(服装的一部分) | ready-made linings [parts of clothing] | |
250071 | 针织服装 | knitwear [clothing] | |
250072 | 衬衫抵肩 | shirt yokes | |
250077 | 华达呢(服装) | gabardines [clothing] | |
250078 | 紧身胸衣(内衣) | corsets [underclothing] | |
250082 | 马甲 | waistcoats / vests | |
250082 | 背心 | waistcoats / vests | |
250086 | 上衣 | coats | |
250090 | 裙子 | skirts | |
250093 | 仆侍人员、行会会员等穿的制服 | liveries | |
250094 | 运动衫 | singlets / sports jerseys | |
250095 | 袖口 | cuffs / wristbands [clothing] | |
250095 | 袖口(衣服) | cuffs / wristbands [clothing] | |
250096 | 围裙(衣服) | aprons [clothing] | |
250103 | 皮制长外衣 | pelisses | |
250104 | 海滨浴场用衣 | beach clothes | |
250106 | 服装口袋 | pockets for clothing | |
250108 | 睡衣裤 | pyjamas / pajamas (Am.) | |
250108 | 睡衣 | pyjamas / pajamas (Am.) | |
250109 | 连衣裙 | dresses | |
250112 | 内裤 | underpants | 与0506月经内裤,卫生内裤类似,与第九版及以前版本卫生衬裤,卫生紧身内裤,卫生短内裤,卫生女裤,月经短内裤交叉检索; |
250114 | 乳罩 | brassieres | |
250115 | 大衣 | overcoats / topcoats | |
250115 | 轻便大衣 | overcoats / topcoats | |
250117 | 宽外袍 | togas | |
250119 | 制服 | uniforms | |
250120 | 呢绒夹克(服装) | stuff jackets [clothing] | |
250121 | 夹克(服装) | jackets [clothing] | |
250122 | 纸衣服 | paper clothing | |
250127 | 浴衣 | bath robes | |
250143 | 带兜帽的风雪大衣 | parkas | |
250144 | 衬裙 | petticoats | |
250150 | 仿皮服装 | clothing of imitations of leather | |
250151 | 皮衣 | clothing of leather | |
250154 | 莎丽服 | saris | 与第九版及以前版本2505莎丽服交叉检索 |
250155 | T恤衫 | tee-shirts | |
250159 | 钓鱼背心 | fishing vests | |
250164 | 裙裤 | skorts | |
250165 | 斗篷 | ponchos | |
250166 | 纱笼 | sarongs | |
250168 | 紧腿裤(裤子) | leggings [trousers] | |
250169 | 无袖罩裙 | jumper dresses / pinafore dresses | |
250171 | 女式内裤 | ||
250172 | 背心式紧身运动衣 | ||
250087 | 防水服 | ||
250181 | 和服 | ||
250089 | 紧身套衫 | ||
250146 | 连身衬裙 | ||
250147 | 女式连身内衣 |